Brand Experience on Brand Love with Brand Credibility as a Mediator of Mobile Phones


  • Ayu Safitri Semarang Muhammadiyah University
  • Annisa Fajri Semarang Muhammadiyah University


Brand Experience, Brand Love, Brand Credibility


This study discusses Samsung mobile phone users or Android mobile phones among Gen-z at this time. The research method was carried out by collecting data through distributing questionnaires using g-form from Samsung mobile phone users in Semarang City. The testing tool for this study was Smart-PLS 4.1 or SEM-PLS. The results of the study showed that brand experience had a significant positive effect on brand love, brand experience had a significant positive effect on brand credibility, brand credibility had a significant positive effect on brand love, and brand credibility had a significant positive effect in mediating brand experience on brand love. These variables can be applied in order to increase user credibility on the brand.


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How to Cite

Safitri, A. ., & Fajri, A. . (2024). Brand Experience on Brand Love with Brand Credibility as a Mediator of Mobile Phones. Economics and Business International Conference Proceeding, 1(2), 1263–1272. Retrieved from

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